Reading Lists
We curated a comprehensive list of Aquatecture - floating architecture and innovative zone governance research publications by key authors in the fields. For Aquatecture, we put together papers on the main aspects of the field: climate and sustainability; engineering; architecture and design; transportation and infrastructure; case studies; technology; industry and urban planning. For Maritime Governance and Special Economic Zones, we curated a list of research publications focused on the governance and legal aspects of floating projects, urban planning, and case studies of floating living spaces and special economic zones.

Climate and Sustainability
⦁ Sustainable characteristics of Floating Architecture. Changho Moon.
⦁ Floating Cities and equitable grafting onto marine ecosystems. Ioana Corina Giurgiu.
⦁ Floating clean multi-energy systems towards driving blue economic growth. Srikanth Narasimalu.

⦁ Floating infrastructure large-scale public spaces on Water. Gerard Ronzatti, Petar Lovric.
⦁ BEQS: marine pumped-storage concepts for floating city extensions. Robert Klar.

Architecture & Design
⦁ Form and functional features of modular floating structures. Svetlana Kizilova.
⦁ Design and functions of floating architecture – a review. Yuan-Ho Lin, Yung Chih Lin, Han-Shih Tan.
⦁ Fish Trap – A floating proto-assembly for Responsive Cities: towards citizen-driven customized Water Urban Spaces. Peter Buš, Ayça Tartar, ShiYen Wu, Gerhard Schmitt.

Case Studies

Floating City
⦁ Mega Floating City “Green Float”: concept and technology Innovations. Masaki Takeuchi, Ikuo Yoshida.
Maritime & Floating Governance - Special Zones

Governance of Floating Structures
⦁ A legal regime for the exploration and exploitation of offshore renewable energy. Francesca Galea.
Governance of Complex Systems
⦁ Reconfiguring environmental governance: towards a politics of scales and networks. Harriet Bulkeley.
⦁ The comparative politics of Transnational Climate Governance. Thomas Hale.
Legal Classification of Floating structures
⦁ Floating Homes - vessels or real property. Janis Viesturs.
⦁ Artificial islands in the Law of the Sea. Francesca Galea.
Blockchain and Decentralization
⦁ Economics of Blockchain. Sinclair Davidson.
⦁ Blockchain Technology and Decentralized Governance: is the State Still Necessary?. Marcella Atzori.
Special Zones and New Jurisdictions
⦁ Modernity and the urban imagination in Economic Zones. Jonathan Bach.
⦁ Special Economic Zones and WTO Compliance: evidence from the Dominican Republic. Fabrice Defever.
⦁ Planning for Special Economic Zone: a regional perspective. V. Devadas.
⦁ Port cities in Asia and Europe. Arndt Graf.
⦁ Founding Startup Societies: A Step by Step Guide. Joseph MacKinney, Mark Frazier.
⦁ The New Science of Cities. Michael Batty.
⦁ Special International Zones in practice and theory. Tom W. Bell.
⦁ Law, Governance, and International Relations of Seasteads. Tom W. Bell.
⦁ Dynamic Geography: a blueprint for efficient government. Patri Friedman.


Case Studies
⦁ Complex Governance and SeaZones: the Floating Island Project. Nathalie Mezza-Garcia.
⦁ Self-organized collective action in the Floating Island Project. Nathalie Mezza-Garcia.

One of our partners/clients is the Startup Societies Foundation with its Institute for Competitive Governance. Seaphia leads the publication of the Startup Society's Journal of Special Jurisdictions. This is the only active academic journal focused on special jurisdictions.
Every issue of the journal focuses on innovative jurisdictions from across the world.
By participating in the Journal of Special Jurisdictions, Seaphia pushes the boundaries of knowledge in the governance and decentralized governance space.

Governance and Regulations Research
Journal publications
Paving the Waves Conference
Paving the Waves was the largest conference specialized in floating. It brought together leading international experts from the industry, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and researchers from across the world to share knowledge on floating solutions.
The conference took place digitally in 2020, and Seaphia organized and hosted the online part of the event.

Floating Cities and Floating Architecture